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Beware of Scams: Seoul City Warns About Smishing Texts Using Noise Complaint Hotline

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 23.

Seoul City has issued a stark warning about a recent wave of smishing scams exploiting the city's noise complaint hotline. As of July 22, 2024, fraudulent messages are being sent to residents, pretending to be official communications regarding noise complaints. These scams are causing significant concern, prompting the city to advise residents on how to protect themselves from such deceitful tactics. This post will delve into the details of these scams, their potential risks, and how you can safeguard yourself against them.


1. The Rise of Smishing Scams

Smishing scams, where scammers send fraudulent SMS messages to trick individuals into divulging personal information or accessing malicious links, have become increasingly prevalent.

Recently, scammers have been targeting residents of Seoul by posing as representatives from the city's noise complaint hotline. They use the hotline's legitimate phone number, 02-2133-7298, to lend an air of authenticity to their deceitful messages.


The scam texts typically claim to be official notifications regarding noise complaints and often include URLs that lead to phishing sites.

These sites can steal personal information or install malware on users' devices.

Such scams exploit the current issues surrounding noise complaints, a common and sensitive topic among urban residents.


2. Official Response and Preventive Measures

According to Seoul City officials, the noise complaint hotline does not send messages via SMS nor does it include any links.

This makes any text message claiming to be from this hotline inherently suspicious.

The city has advised residents to avoid opening any messages related to noise complaints that they did not explicitly request and to delete such messages immediately.


If anyone falls victim to these smishing scams, they should report the incident to the Korea Cybercrime Center at 1566-1188.

The city is actively working to spread awareness and prevent further incidents.

In response to the rising number of smishing cases, officials emphasize the importance of verifying the authenticity of any message before taking any action.

They suggest contacting the official hotline directly using known and verified contact information if there is any doubt about the legitimacy of a message.


3. The Broader Impact and Need for Vigilance

The rise in smishing scams highlights a broader issue of cyber security and the need for greater public awareness. As digital communication becomes increasingly integral to daily life, the potential for such scams to exploit various

aspects of our lives grows.

This specific instance demonstrates how scammers can use legitimate concerns, like noise complaints, to manipulate individuals.


Residents are encouraged to be cautious and to educate themselves about common phishing and smishing tactics.

By understanding the nature of these threats and how to recognize them, individuals can better protect themselves from falling victim to fraud.


4. What to Do If You Receive a Suspicious Message

If you receive a message that you suspect may be part of a smishing scam, do not click on any links or provide any personal information.

Instead, verify the authenticity of the message by contacting the official organization directly using trusted contact details.

Report any suspicious messages to the relevant authorities to help combat these fraudulent activities.


The recent spate of smishing scams using Seoul's noise complaint hotline highlights the need for vigilance in our increasingly digital world.

By staying informed and cautious, residents can protect themselves from these deceptive practices.

Seoul City’s proactive measures and public warnings are crucial in mitigating the impact of these scams and ensuring that residents remain safe from fraud.

3 line summary for you

Seoul City warns residents about a surge in smishing scams pretending to be from the city's noise complaint hotline.

Scammers use the hotline's phone number to deceive people into clicking malicious links.

Residents are advised to delete suspicious messages and report any incidents to the Korea Cybercrime Center. Awareness and vigilance are essential to preventing such fraudulent activities.




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