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Controversy Surrounding Presidential Office Phone Number

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 2.


In the midst of investigations into the marine corps' Chae Sang-byeong's suicide, there has been speculation regarding a call to former Minister of Defense Lee Jong-seop from the presidential office at 02-800-7070. Reformist Party lawmaker Cheon Ha-ram suggested, "Could this number be associated with Kim Geon-hee or someone related? If not, why such adamant refusal by the presidential office to disclose?"

Cheon expressed disbelief, stating, "The outright refusal to disclose, even using expressions like 'being watched from North Korea,' is difficult to accept." He further raised concerns about possible conspiracy, remarking, "Unless it involves Kim Geon-hee or someone under her direction, why such resolute secrecy? Could it possibly be a number used by the president personally, in the annex office, or by a close associate?"

Cheon also pointed out, "Considering the revelation of the president's personal phone call records, if this call was made under lawful command, it cannot be hidden to such an extent. Suspicion is inevitable."

Meanwhile, Democratic Party lawmaker Yoon Geon-young noted on MBC Radio that, "Those who can direct a minister are likely at a level higher than the secretary-general or the national security office director. If not them, it would be someone close to the president."

The controversy over the presidential office phone number arose during a parliamentary committee session last year when allegations surfaced that the president was furious on July 31st, prompting a heated debate regarding the identity of the user of the presidential office phone number during the call to former Minister Lee Jong-seop.

Presidential Secretary-General Jung Jin-seok and National Security Office Director Jang Ho-jin clarified that the number in question is not related to the security office or the secretary's office, emphasizing that further details are classified information.

During a KBS Radio interview, ruling party lawmaker Bae Jun-young, who serves as the parliamentary committee's chief for the ruling party, dismissed the debate as inconsequential, asserting, "It's a security-related phone number, so it's natural that it cannot be discussed."

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