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Han Dong-hoon Exposes Na Kyung-won's Request! Won Hee-ryong: "This Will Kill Us All"... Internal Strife in the People Power Party, What's the Truth?

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 17.


Today, we're diving into the internal strife within the People Power Party (PPP), triggered by Han Dong-hoon's shocking revelation. What are the ramifications of Han's accusation against Na Kyung-won? And what does Won Hee-ryong's warning mean? Let's find out together.

Introduction: Han Dong-hoon's Revelation, What's Happening in the PPP?

People Power Party chairman candidate Han Dong-hoon has exposed that Na Kyung-won requested to have the prosecution for her 2019 National Assembly Fast-Track clash case withdrawn. This revelation has caused significant controversy both within and outside the party. What are the potential consequences of this disclosure?

Main Body: The Details of the Revelation and Reactions

Han Dong-hoon revealed during the fourth broadcast debate organized by CBS that Na Kyung-won asked him to cancel the prosecution for her Fast-Track case in 2019. At the time, Han was the Minister of Justice, and he refused Na's request, stating that a Justice Minister cannot intervene in specific cases.

Na Kyung-won, caught off guard by Han's revelation, argued that it was advice given in the interest of judicial fairness. She had been indicted in 2019 along with other lawmakers for obstructing the designation of the election law and the establishment of the High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Agency (CIO) on the Fast-Track, leading to charges of violating the National Assembly Act and obstructing official duties. This case has been ongoing for over four years.

After the debate, Na took to Facebook to criticize Han's remarks, claiming they were damaging to the party. She asserted that her advice was meant to uphold the rule of law and judicial fairness. However, Han maintained that a Justice Minister cannot intervene in specific cases.

Opposition parties reacted strongly to this revelation. The Democratic Party, the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, and the Reform Party collectively called for an investigation, labeling the request as an act that undermines the rule of law. Cho Kuk, leader of the Cho Kuk Innovation Party, emphasized that both Na and Han should be held accountable for their actions.

Within the People Power Party, there is also significant turmoil. Won Hee-ryong likened Han's revelation to indiscriminate shooting, warning that the entire party is in danger. Several lawmakers expressed concern that Na Kyung-won's inappropriate actions could severely damage the party.

Conclusion: The Impact of Han Dong-hoon's Revelation on the PPP

Han Dong-hoon's revelation has sparked a major controversy within the People Power Party. The clash between Han and Na Kyung-won over the alleged request for prosecution withdrawal is likely to exacerbate internal conflicts. As Won Hee-ryong warned, the fallout from this incident could have far-reaching consequences for the entire party.

The PPP will need to find a way to resolve this issue and manage the public's perception. Whether this revelation is part of a larger power struggle within the party or a genuine attempt to uphold judicial fairness remains a point of contention.


Han Dong-hoon, a candidate for the People Power Party chairman, exposed Na Kyung-won's request to have her 2019 Fast-Track case prosecution withdrawn, leading to significant internal strife within the party. Na Kyung-won argued that her request was in the interest of judicial fairness, but opposition parties called for an investigation into both Han and Na for violating anti-corruption laws. Won Hee-ryong warned that the fallout could be devastating for the party.




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