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Haru, former member of NATURE, apologizes for working at a Japanese hostess bar and is preparing for a new challenge

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 15.


Hello everyone. Recently, Haru, a Japanese member of the girl group NATURE, has been embroiled in a controversy over working at a hostess bar in Japan, drawing much attention. Haru has apologized through her SNS and announced that she is preparing for a new challenge. Let's take a closer look at the details of this incident and Haru's position.


1. The Beginning of the Controversy

In April, Haru appeared in a video introducing female hostesses at a Japanese hostess bar, sparking controversy. In the video, Haru introduced herself as "Sakura Lulu" and said, "I've been a K-pop idol for 6 years since I was 18. Now I'm working as a hostess to save up money to open a dance studio."


2. Haru's Statement


On the 14th, Haru posted a handwritten letter on her SNS to address the controversy directly. She said, "My contract with n.CH Entertainment has expired, and I thought it was right to convey this news to the fans directly, so I wrote a letter."

She continued, "I also feel bad," and said, "I came to Korea alone when I was 18 without even knowing Korean and debuted as NATURE, and it was a really precious and wonderful experience. There were hard times, but every day was happy and I was able to grow myself for the past 6 years."


3. Apology to the Fans

Haru expressed her apology, saying, "I'm sorry for the worry and disappointment I caused you with my actions, but I wanted to convey my sincere feelings even though it's late." She added, "I'm not involved anymore, but I think it was disappointing to the fans. I'm really sorry."


4. A New Challenge

Haru said, "I'm working hard on a new challenge now. My time as an idol may be over, but the love and support that the fans have given me will always be in my heart and I will never forget it."


5. Disbandment of NATURE

Following Haru's controversy, NATURE officially announced its disbandment in April. NATURE, which debuted in 2018, had been inactive since releasing its 3rd mini-album in November 2022, and Haru's controversy is believed to have had an impact on the disbandment.



Haru's hostess bar controversy shocked many fans, but her apology and determination to take on a new challenge resonated with many people. It will also be interesting to see what path Haru will take in the future and what the outcome of her new challenge will be. What do you think about this incident? Please share your thoughts in the comments.



Haru, a Japanese member of the girl group NATURE, has apologized for working at a hostess bar in Japan. Haru is preparing for a new challenge and has expressed her sincere apology to the fans. NATURE has officially announced its disbandment following Haru's controversy.




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