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"Is Keeping Your Phone by Your Bed Linked to Brain Cancer"?… WHO’s Final Conclusion and the Truth

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 9. 5.

Recently, the claim that "cell phone radiation can cause brain cancer" has resurfaced, causing many to worry about the potential health risks. Particularly, there has been ongoing debate about whether keeping a phone by your bed could impact your health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released a final conclusion on this matter. According to their findings, cell phone radiation is not linked to brain diseases, debunking previous concerns as unfounded. Let’s explore what this means and clarify the facts.

1. WHO’s Research Findings

The WHO reviewed 5,000 studies published between 1994 and 2022 and analyzed 63 of them in detail. Their findings indicate no significant association between cell phone use and brain cancer or other brain diseases. Even prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation or frequent calls does not increase the risk of brain cancer. Similarly, children exposed to radiation from radios, TVs, or cell phone base stations also do not face increased risks of brain cancer or leukemia.

2. Past Misunderstandings and Current Clarifications

The confusion largely stems from the 2011 classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which categorized radiation as a possible carcinogen. However, this classification does not mean that radiation is as definitive a carcinogen as tobacco smoke. IARC’s categorization is based on limited case studies, and there is no strong evidence proving radiation is a definitive carcinogen. Additionally, it was overlooked that patients with brain cancer might provide biased responses regarding the cause of their illness.

3. Base Stations and Radiation

The WHO also confirmed that radiation from cell phone base stations is not linked to brain diseases. Contrary to fears, base stations do not emit high levels of radiation needed for phones to receive signals, leading to lower overall exposure. Thus, concerns about the harmful effects of radiation from these stations are exaggerated.


WHO’s latest research firmly establishes that previous fears about cell phone radiation causing brain cancer are not supported by scientific evidence. The claim that radiation from phones or base stations contributes to brain diseases has been debunked. Thus, the anxiety about keeping your phone by your bed may be unnecessary. It’s crucial to rely on accurate information and research when managing health concerns.

3 Line Summary for You

  1. WHO's recent research finds no link between cell phone radiation and brain cancer.
  2. The 2011 IARC classification of radiation as a possible carcinogen was based on limited studies and does not equate to it being a definitive carcinogen.
  3. Radiation from cell phone base stations also does not pose a health risk, according to WHO.

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