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Kazakh Media Highlight Kim Keon-hee's Beauty Secrets and Controversies

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 14.


Recently, Kazakh media have shown great interest in South Korea's First Lady, Kim Keon-hee's appearance. She is currently on a tour of three Central Asian countries with President Yoon Suk-yeol, and their visit to Kazakhstan has drawn significant attention. The local media have focused on her "doll-like" appearance and youthful looks.

"Doll-like" Kim Keon-hee's Youthful Secrets

Kazakh media outlet Azattyq Rýhy referred to Kim Keon-hee as a "doll lady," highlighting her youthful appearance and fashion sense. Despite being 51 years old, she looks remarkably young, impressing many people. Her fashion choices have often attracted attention during international visits, and she is popular enough to have an online fan club.

The local media reported that her youthful appearance is no secret and attributed it to cosmetic surgery. South Korea is well-known for its advanced cosmetic surgery industry, attracting people from all over the world. The media compared her current appearance with photos from her childhood, pointing out significant changes.

Thesis Plagiarism Allegations and Support for Banning Dog Meat Consumption

The Kazakh media also mentioned allegations of thesis plagiarism against Kim Keon-hee. She earned a PhD before marrying President Yoon, but after his election victory, plagiarism allegations surfaced. The university's review committee concluded that her thesis was not plagiarized.

Additionally, the media highlighted that South Korea recently banned the consumption of dog meat by law, noting that Kim Keon-hee was a public supporter of this ban.

President Yoon Suk-yeol and Kim Keon-hee's Tour of Central Asia

President Yoon Suk-yeol and Kim Keon-hee are currently on a state visit to three Central Asian countries (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan). This tour marks Kim Keon-hee's first international trip after reappearing in public following a 150-day hiatus. Their visit has garnered increased attention, especially after their previously planned state visit to Germany and Denmark in February was suddenly postponed.


The Kazakh media's coverage has once again highlighted Kim Keon-hee's appearance and related stories. Topics such as cosmetic surgery, thesis plagiarism allegations, and her support for banning dog meat consumption have been discussed, emphasizing her presence during the Central Asia tour. It is hoped that this interest will positively impact the relations and exchanges between South Korea and the Central Asian countries.
