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Kim Jong Un's Successor? Kim Ju-ae Begins Successor Training! What's Up with Kim Jong Un's Health?

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 30.

There's word that Kim Jong Un's second daughter, Kim Ju-ae, has begun successor training. Along with this, there have been reports about Kim Jong Un's health. Let's dive into the details of Kim Ju-ae's potential as a successor and Kim Jong Un's health status based on the recent announcement from the National Intelligence Service (NIS).


On July 29th, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) reported to the National Assembly Intelligence Committee that Kim Jong Un's second daughter, Kim Ju-ae, is undergoing successor training and is a likely successor.

According to the NIS, Kim Ju-ae is being hinted at as the current potential successor, engaging in various activities to receive successor training. She is frequently seen accompanying her father, Kim Jong Un, particularly in military-related activities.

This suggests that plans to establish Kim Ju-ae as a successor are becoming more concrete.


The NIS has inferred from Kim Ju-ae's titles and the frequency of her activities that she is indeed receiving successor training. In the past, over 60% of her activities were military-related, and this has recently increased to 70%. Additionally, the use of the term "Hyangdo" (guide), which is reserved for leaders or successors, indicates that Kim Ju-ae is being positioned in the successor structure.


However, the NIS has not ruled out the possibility that another sibling might emerge as a successor and that the final decision on the successor has not been made.

This indicates that Kim Jong Un has not yet finalized his decision on who will succeed him.


Moreover, reports on Kim Jong Un's health were also shared.

Currently weighing around 140 kg, Kim Jong Un is in the high-risk category for heart disease.

Since his early 30s, he has shown symptoms of hypertension and diabetes.


Recently, there have been indications that he is seeking different medications, suggesting that his current health management is insufficient.


The news that Kim Ju-ae is undergoing successor training in North Korea has garnered significant attention.

With reports of Kim Jong Un's poor health, speculation about North Korea's future leadership is intensifying. While Kim Ju-ae appears to be a strong candidate, nothing is finalized yet.

It's a crucial time to keep a close watch on North Korea's developments.


Everyone, please share this important news with those around you and discuss the future of North Korea.

I'll continue to bring you the latest updates on North Korea. Thank you!

3 line summary for you

The National Intelligence Service reported that Kim Jong Un's second daughter, Kim Ju-ae, is undergoing successor training. She is being hinted at as the likely successor, particularly focusing on military activities. Additionally, Kim Jong Un's health is in a critical state. The future leader of North Korea remains a subject of significant interest.


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