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Kim Keon-hee's 12-Hour Secret Investigation by Prosecutors! The Truth Behind the Deutsche Motors Stock Manipulation and Luxury Bag Scandal?

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 21.

Recently, there has been a significant news story that has stirred up the political landscape in South Korea. The wife of President Yoon Suk-yeol, Kim Keon-hee, was reportedly subjected to a secret face-to-face investigation by prosecutors. This investigation revolves around allegations of Deutsche Motors stock manipulation and the receipt of a luxury bag. This article aims to delve into the details and background of these incidents, as many citizens are eager to understand the situation.

1. Background and Progress of the Investigation

On July 20, 2024, the Anti-Corruption Investigation Division 2 and Criminal Division 1 of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office conducted a roughly 12-hour investigation of Kim Keon-hee at a government security building. The investigation was held at a third-party location instead of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-dong, for security and safety reasons. Kim reportedly cooperated fully and truthfully with the investigation.

2. Deutsche Motors Stock Manipulation Allegations

The Deutsche Motors stock manipulation case involves allegations that Kim violated the Capital Markets Act. This case first came to light in April 2020. The prosecutors sent written inquiries to Kim in December 2021 and last year but did not receive sufficient responses. The recent face-to-face investigation focused on whether Kim was aware that her account was used in the stock manipulation transactions.

3. Luxury Bag Scandal

The luxury bag scandal began in December 2022 when the internet media outlet 'Seoul's Voice' accused Kim and President Yoon of violating the Anti-Graft Law and accepting bribes. Kim received a luxury bag worth approximately 3 million won from Pastor Choi Jae-young, which she claimed was a simple gift with no job-related implications. The prosecutors investigated the circumstances under which Kim received the bag and whether there was any job-related connection.

4. Results of the Investigation and Future Outlook

Through this investigation, the prosecutors aimed to uncover the truth behind the Deutsche Motors stock manipulation and luxury bag scandal. Given that much of the investigation into related parties has already been conducted, it is expected that the prosecutors will review Kim's statements and soon make a decision. The public is closely watching how this case will conclude, as it could significantly impact the political scene.


Kim Keon-hee's secret investigation by the prosecutors has captured the attention of the South Korean public. The allegations of Deutsche Motors stock manipulation and the receipt of a luxury bag are serious matters. It is crucial to observe how the law and justice are upheld in this case. The results of the investigation will likely have significant ramifications for the political landscape.

3 line summary for you

Kim Keon-hee was subjected to a secret investigation by prosecutors for allegations of Deutsche Motors stock manipulation and receiving a luxury bag. The investigation focused on her awareness of the use of her account in stock manipulation and the job-related implications of receiving the bag. The public is closely watching the results of the investigation and the subsequent actions by the prosecutors.
