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Kim Yo-jong's Warning: New Responses Foreseen

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 10.


Recently, Kim Yo-jong, Deputy Director of the Workers' Party of Korea, has announced a strong response to South Korea's leaflet dissemination and loudspeaker broadcasts aimed at the North. In a statement released via the Korean Central News Agency on June 9, Kim Yo-jong warned, "If South Korea persists in the act of sending leaflets across the border and continues the loudspeaker broadcasts, you will undoubtedly witness new responses from us."

Leaflet Dissemination and Loudspeaker Broadcasts

Kim Yo-jong mentioned that South Korea had used over 1,400 balloons to send 7.5 tons of tissue paper across the border, claiming, "We only sent blank sheets of paper without any politically provocative content." Nevertheless, these actions are still considered provocative by the North.

North Korea's Strong Response Foreseen

Kim Yo-jong criticized South Korea for resuming loudspeaker broadcasts, asserting that this creates a new crisis situation. She stated, "We strongly condemn South Korea's dirty and childish behavior," and warned, "Constantly picking up tissues will become an everyday nuisance for South Korea."

Military Response

In response to North Korea's dirty balloon attacks, the South Korean military resumed loudspeaker broadcasts to the North for the first time in six years. This can be seen as South Korea's firm reaction to Kim Yo-jong's threats.

Future Outlook

Kim Yo-jong hinted at "new responses," indicating that North Korea might escalate its provocations, but she did not specify what these responses might entail. The tension between the two Koreas may rise, significantly impacting the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

The South Korean government needs to respond cautiously to these warnings from the North and strive to find a breakthrough through dialogue to ease tensions. The international community should also closely monitor changes in the Korean Peninsula situation and engage in various diplomatic efforts to maintain peace and stability.

What do you think about this situation? What do you believe is the best way to reduce tension between the two Koreas? Share your thoughts.
