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Public Shock: KBS Airs 'Kimono and Kimigayo' on Liberation Day, Despite Receiving Public Funds

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 15.

Liberation Day is a significant occasion in Korea, marking the nation's independence and providing an opportunity to reflect on its painful history. However, this year, as Korea commemorates the 79th anniversary of its liberation, KBS, the national broadcaster, has stirred controversy. At exactly midnight, marking the beginning of Liberation Day, KBS aired the opera 'Madame Butterfly,' which is deeply associated with Japanese culture. Let’s delve into why this has sparked outrage and what KBS’s stance on the matter is.


KBS Midnight Broadcast on Liberation Day: A Controversial Choice

As Liberation Day began at midnight, many viewers tuned in to KBS expecting to see content that reflects the historical significance of the day. Instead, they were met with Giacomo Puccini’s opera ‘Madame Butterfly.’ This opera tells the story of a Japanese woman who marries an American naval officer and waits devotedly for him. The performance prominently features traditional Japanese elements such as kimono and even includes Japan’s national anthem, ‘Kimigayo,’ and military songs in the background.


The decision to broadcast this opera at the very start of Liberation Day enraged many viewers. “Why air a Japan-themed opera on such an important day for Korea?” many asked. Some even questioned if there was an intentional agenda behind KBS’s programming, especially in light of recent controversies surrounding historical narratives and New Right history debates in Korea.


Public Reaction and KBS’s Response

As the controversy unfolded, KBS’s program boards and viewer petition pages were flooded with criticisms. Many viewers argued that airing Japanese-related content on Liberation Day was a grave misstep and demanded accountability from KBS as a public broadcaster.


The aired program was a recorded performance of ‘Madame Butterfly’ from a June concert at the Seoul Arts Center. While the performance may have artistic merit, the key issue lies in its airing at the start of Liberation Day. As of now, KBS has not released an official statement, though it is likely they will attempt to explain the incident as a scheduling error.


Liberation Day is a deeply symbolic and historical day for South Korea. The content aired by public broadcasters on such a day must align with its significance. KBS’s decision to air ‘Madame Butterfly’ has shown a lack of sensitivity and has left many Koreans feeling disappointed. Going forward, KBS will need to exercise greater caution and thoughtfulness in selecting content to ensure that such mistakes are not repeated.

3 Line Summary for You

  1. KBS faced backlash after airing the Japan-themed opera 'Madame Butterfly' at midnight on Liberation Day.
  2. Viewers criticized KBS for broadcasting Japanese cultural content on a day that marks Korea's independence.
  3. KBS has not yet issued an official statement, leading to concerns over the public broadcaster’s sensitivity and judgment.

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