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Splitting Wooden Chopsticks: Tips for a Perfect Meal

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 10. 10.

Everyone, when is the most annoying moment when using wooden chopsticks?

It’s when you have to split the chopsticks that are stuck together. In this case, there is a way to split them well by hitting them on the table.

In this blog, I will share how to effectively split wooden chopsticks. With these easy-to-follow tips, you can enhance your dining experience!

Choosing the Right Wooden Chopsticks

When selecting wooden chopsticks, it's important to choose a lightweight pair. Chopsticks that are too thick or heavy can be difficult to split. It's best to go for lightweight chopsticks with a soft texture.

Finding the Stuck Part

To split the wooden chopsticks, you need to locate the part where they are stuck together. Accurately identify the point where the two chopsticks are connected.

Hitting the Chopsticks on the Table

Hold the end of the chopsticks that is opposite to the stuck part with your hand. Then, firmly hit the stuck part of the chopsticks on the table. Be careful not to hit too hard, as this could break the chopsticks or injure your hand. As you hit, you will hear a sound, and a small gap will form, allowing them to separate naturally.

Repeating the Process

If the stuck part does not come apart easily, try hitting the table again while adjusting your strength. It’s important to control the force; hitting too hard can cause them to break.

Final Check

Once the chopsticks have split well, check the condition of the stuck part. If necessary, gently trim the ends to avoid any rough edges. This will reduce any discomfort when using them.

Hitting the stuck part of wooden chopsticks against the table is a simple and quick method. By selecting the right chopsticks and applying gentle pressure, you will master this technique in no time. Try using this tip during your next meal! A more enjoyable dining experience awaits you.

3-Line Summary for You

  1. Choose lightweight wooden chopsticks and locate the stuck part carefully.
  2. Gently hit the chopsticks on the table to separate them.
  3. Repeat the process if necessary and check the ends to finish.

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