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The History and Impact of the North Korea Remittance Scandal

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 9.


The North Korea Remittance Scandal, which emerged in the early 2000s, is one of the major events involving the relationship between South Korea and North Korea. This scandal, particularly linked to the inter-Korean summit, sparked significant controversy and had a profound impact on South Korea's modern history and inter-Korean relations.

Background of the Incident

From June 13 to 15, 2000, President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held a historic inter-Korean summit. This summit marked the first time since the division of Korea that the leaders of the North and South met to discuss peace and cooperation. The subsequent June 15th North-South Joint Declaration was seen as a turning point in inter-Korean relations, raising hopes for improved relations and the possibility of reunification.

Origin of the Scandal

In 2003, a South Korean media outlet alleged that Hyundai Group had sent $500 million to North Korea to facilitate the summit. According to these allegations, the Kim Dae-jung administration had used Hyundai Group to send a large sum of money to North Korea as a bribe for holding the summit.

Investigation and Outcomes

Following these allegations, prosecutors launched an investigation, resulting in the indictment of several individuals. Hyundai Group Chairman Chung Mong-hun and Presidential Chief of Staff Lim Dong-won were among those investigated. The investigation revealed that close associates of President Kim Dae-jung were involved in the scandal.

In August 2003, Chung Mong-hun tragically committed suicide by jumping from a building in Seoul, which intensified the scandal's impact. The incident politically damaged President Kim Dae-jung and drew criticism of his North Korea policy.

Impact of the Scandal

The North Korea Remittance Scandal had a profound impact on South Korean society, altering public perception of inter-Korean relations. The scandal raised questions about the background of the inter-Korean summit and highlighted concerns about the government's transparency and credibility in its North Korea policy.

The scandal also influenced South Korea's political culture. There was an increased demand for transparency and fairness in politics, and debates over the government's North Korea policy remained a significant issue in subsequent administrations.


The North Korea Remittance Scandal marked a critical juncture in inter-Korean relations and South Korea's political history. The scandal highlighted the complexities of inter-Korean relations and the need for transparency in government policies.

Understanding the history of the North Korea Remittance Scandal is crucial for comprehending the nuances of inter-Korean relations and the political implications involved. This case remains an important example of the challenges and controversies surrounding inter-Korean diplomacy and the pursuit of peace on the Korean Peninsula.
