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Trump Advisor Urges Increased Burden Sharing from Japan and South Korea on U.S. Military Presence Costs

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 24.


Robert O'Brien, former White House National Security Advisor under the Trump administration, emphasized the need for increased defense spending, including the cost-sharing of U.S. military presence in countries such as South Korea and Japan.

In an interview with CBS News' "Face The Nation" on June 23, local time, O'Brien stated, "American taxpayers cannot bear the burden alone," adding, "We need help from our allies."

Responding to the interviewer's point that Japan and South Korea already contribute to the costs of maintaining U.S. military forces in their respective countries, O'Brien argued, "It's a portion of the cost, but it's not enough," stressing that "American taxpayers are shouldering a tremendous burden."

He continued, "We have a massive federal deficit, inflation issues, and domestic burdens in the United States," and highlighted, "That's why we want our allies to participate in the same way we do, spending 4% of GDP on defense."

O'Brien also claimed that during Trump's presidency, countries like Japan, South Korea, Australia, and European nations significantly increased defense expenditures due to Trump's policies, which he believes strengthens the U.S. against China.

He asserted, "Just as families sometimes need tough love, sometimes we need to show tough love to our allies," emphasizing, "China cannot divide 'family' (the United States and its allies) and cannot divide the allies."

Additionally, O'Brien discussed strategies against Russia, advocating for increased U.S. domestic energy production and imposing sanctions on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Regarding Iran, he emphasized the need to reapply maximum pressure and stressed the overall enhancement of U.S. defense capabilities, including increasing the number of warships to rebuild the U.S. Navy.

In efforts to deter China from invading Taiwan, he suggested deploying U.S. Marine forces to the Asia-Pacific region and relocating some U.S. Navy forces from Europe to Asia, stating, "We want to prevent war, and the path to preventing war is strength."

O'Brien served as National Security Advisor at the White House from September 2019 until the end of Trump's term, and there is speculation in Washington circles that if Trump wins reelection in November, he may return to serve as National Security Advisor or be appointed as Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense.


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