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Biden vs. Trump: Return Match on TV Debate after 4 Years, Clash Continues for 90 Minutes (Summary)

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 28.


In a highly anticipated event, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in their first televised debate in Atlanta, Georgia, ahead of the upcoming November presidential election.

The debate covered a wide range of contentious issues including economy, abortion rights, illegal immigration, diplomacy, democracy, climate change, and the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

The economic topic kicked off the debate, with Biden criticizing Trump's handling of the economy, citing challenges inherited, particularly exacerbated by the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump countered, boasting of his administration's economic successes and blaming Biden for current inflation woes.

The debate also delved into illegal immigration, with Trump accusing Biden of opening the borders to criminals and terrorists, while Biden defended recent border policies aimed at reducing illegal crossings.

On international relations, Trump advocated for Europe to take a larger role in supporting Ukraine, while Biden emphasized the importance of U.S. support for Ukraine's security amidst Russian aggression.

The candidates also clashed over abortion rights, with Biden pledging to restore federal protections, while Trump argued for state-level decisions.

Regarding the acceptance of election results, Trump stated he would accept fair results but criticized Biden's presidency, implying political retaliation and legal issues were driving his re-election bid.

Emotions ran high, with both candidates exchanging sharp remarks throughout, though the debate was generally more controlled compared to their first encounter four years ago.

Overall, this debate is seen as a pivotal moment in this year's election cycle, potentially influencing undecided voters and setting the tone for the final campaign stretch.

Here's the blog post on the Biden vs. Trump debate.



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