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US April Housing Prices Up 7.2% YoY, Setting New Record

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 26.


Housing prices in the United States have reached record highs, continuing their upward trend. According to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index for April (based on 20 cities), prices rose by 0.4% from the previous month, marking a historic high.

Compared to the same month last year, prices increased by 7.2%, showing a significant rise over the past year.

Among major cities, San Diego recorded the highest increase at 10.3%, followed by New York (9.3%), Chicago (8.7%), Los Angeles (8.6%), and Cleveland (8.5%). The decrease in supply of existing homes due to higher interest rates has fueled the continued rise in home prices.

However, some experts note that the momentum of the price increase has slightly moderated. Brian Luke, Senior Analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices, stated, "While all cities saw accelerated price growth when we recorded historic highs in March, in April, the pace has been sustained only in some cities."

The current situation in the U.S. housing market reflects various factors to consider, and there is expected to be increased interest in the future trajectory of housing prices.

This surge in housing prices sends an important signal to market participants and is likely to influence future economic decisions.



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