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Discovery of Immune Characteristics in COVID-19 Non-Infected Individuals: Role of Nasal Immune Cells

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 21.


Recently, a study conducted at University College London (UCL) has identified immune system characteristics in individuals who have not been infected with the COVID-19 virus. This research provides crucial insights for the development of vaccines and treatments in a scenario where prior information about the virus was limited.

Background and Methodology of the Study

In a 'COVID-19 Human Challenge' experiment conducted in 2021, low doses of the COVID-19 virus were administered via nasal passages to 36 healthy adults. The study observed how nasal immune cells responded during different phases: before infection, during infection, and after infection.

Results and Findings

Analysis revealed that 6 participants were infected with the COVID-19 virus, while 3 tested temporarily positive but were not deemed to have sustained infections. Among these participants, 7 showed signs of "cleared infection," indicating that their immune systems swiftly responded to early exposure and eliminated the virus.

Genetic Correlations

The research team identified a commonality among these individuals: heightened activation of the 'HLA-DQA2' gene. This gene suggests a potential for more effective immune responses against COVID-19. However, some participants still faced potential community infections post-experiment, indicating incomplete immunity.

Significance and Future Outlook of the Study

The findings underscore the foundational data that could aid in the development of effective vaccines and treatments for COVID-19. Understanding the role of nasal immune cells could further contribute to the development of personalized therapeutic strategies.


UCL researchers emphasize that these findings could serve as a critical basis for advancing COVID-19 vaccine and treatment development amid the pandemic. Moreover, the study's insights may extend to understanding immune responses to various infectious diseases.



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