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Controversy Over Shin Beom-chul's Remarks About Phone Call with President Yoon

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 23.


Former Vice Minister of National Defense Shin Beom-chul has admitted to having a phone call with President Yoon Suk-yeol, sparking controversy. This revelation is related to the retrieval of investigation records by the Marine Corps investigation team from the police on August 2 of last year. The issue is closely tied to suspicions of interference in the investigation of the Chae Sang-byeong case.

Background of the Remarks

During a hearing by the National Assembly's Legislative and Judiciary Committee on June 21, 2024, Democratic Party lawmaker Jang Kyung-tae pointed out to Shin Beom-chul that "the phone call you had is coming out now." In response, Shin said, "That was related to the retrieval [of records]." This statement contradicted his previous claim in August last year that then-Defense Minister Lee Jong-seop had not spoken with the President, thereby creating a stir.

Beginning of the Controversy

Shin admitted to having a direct phone call with President Yoon on August 2, 2023, but refused to disclose the content of the conversation. This is interpreted as being related to the crucial step of retrieving investigation records, a significant point in the allegations of interference. During the military trial for insubordination involving Marine Corps investigation team leader Park Jung-hoon, call records revealed that Shin had a phone conversation with President Yoon at 4:21 PM on August 2.

Three Major Issues

1. Issue of Who Retrieved the Records

Questions arise about the authority, as it was the military prosecution team, not the Marine Corps investigation team, that retrieved the investigation records. Park Jung-hoon stated, "It was the first time in my 28 years of military service that investigation documents were retrieved by another agency."

2. Legitimacy of the Retrieval Process

The military prosecution officer only prepared a 'case record transfer receipt' without clarifying the legal basis for the retrieval. This raises doubts about the legitimacy of the procedure.

3. Issue of How Retrieved Records Were Handled

The military prosecution team compiled the retrieved investigation records into the insubordination investigation records of Park Jung-hoon, without obtaining a court warrant or following the voluntary submission procedure. Park claimed this was "effectively record theft."

Was it an Intended Revelation or a Simple Slip of the Tongue?

Shin Beom-chul's remarks can be interpreted as confirming for the first time that President Yoon directly communicated with senior defense officials during the suspicious handling of the Chae Sang-byeong case. However, his remarks could also have been a slip of the tongue while trying to defend himself during the hearing.


This controversy highlights how direct communication between President Yoon and senior defense officials is connected to the suspicions of interference in the Chae Sang-byeong case investigation. We hope that further investigation and testimonies will reveal the truth behind the incident.



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