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Controversy Surrounding the 'Statue of Peace' in Italy

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 23.


The "Statue of Peace," symbolizing the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery during World War II, has sparked controversy in Stintino, Italy. Recently, Stintino Mayor Rita Vallebella announced plans to revise the statue's plaque to reflect both Japanese and Korean perspectives following objections from Japan.


The "Statue of Peace," installed by the Korean civic group Justice for the Comfort Women, was unveiled in Stintino, Italy, on June 22, 2024. The plaque currently accompanying the statue states that during World War II, the Japanese military forcibly took numerous girls and women from the Asia-Pacific region and made them military sex slaves. The plaque is written in Korean, Italian, and English, and can be read in more languages via a QR code.

The Start of the Controversy

On June 21, a day before the statue's unveiling, Stintino Mayor Rita Vallebella told Japan's Kyodo News that "the unilateral claims of a Korean civic group are written on the plaque" and announced plans to review and possibly change the wording. Vallebella admitted to a lack of study on the comfort women issue and stated that there was no intention to criticize only Japan. She also mentioned having heard explanations from officials at the Japanese Embassy in Italy and declared plans to create a new plaque reflecting the perspectives of both Japan and Korea.

Future Plans

Regarding the specific timing of the wording changes, Mayor Vallebella stated that it would be reviewed after hearing from the Korean Embassy as well. However, she emphasized that the statue itself embodies a universal criticism of wartime crimes against women and that there are no plans to remove it as long as it is not politicized.


This controversy highlights that the statue not only commemorates historical facts but is also closely linked to current diplomatic tensions. The future handling of the statue in Stintino, Italy, is of keen interest amidst the historical conflicts between Japan and Korea.

As the Berlin statue faces the threat of removal, the outcome of the Stintino statue controversy will also need to be closely watched.




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