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Foreign Affairs Journal 'The Diplomat' Criticizes President Yoon Suk-yeol's Diplomacy for Historical Distortion

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 10.

Recently, the foreign affairs journal The Diplomat published a strongly critical article regarding South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's diplomatic policies.


The article, titled "Japan’s Sado Island Gold Mines Designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site With South Korea’s Backing," discusses the designation of Japan's Sado Island gold mines as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

However, what should be noted about this article is that it doesn't merely report the news of the UNESCO designation.

Instead, it sharply criticizes President Yoon's diplomacy for aiding Japan's historical distortion.


The Diplomat's Key Criticism: President Yoon Suk-yeol's Support of Historical Distortion


The Diplomat strongly criticized President Yoon's diplomatic policy with the following statement


“The Kishida administration has found a perfect accomplice in South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol in laundering Japan’s history. The Yoon administration has plumped for South Korea’s New Right movement, which justifies Japan’s occupation of Korea as a source of modernity and enlightenment and glosses over colonial atrocities and the elite’s collaboration.”


The article points out that President Yoon has helped Japan's Kishida administration in distorting Japan's history, particularly criticizing the support for South Korea's New Right movement, which attempts to justify Japan's occupation of Korea as a period of modernization and enlightenment while downplaying colonial atrocities and the collaboration of the elites.


The New Right movement is a conservative political force that distorts historical events such as the Japanese occupation, glorifies colonial rule, and emphasizes cooperation with Japan.


Sado Island Gold Mines UNESCO Designation: A Decision Ignoring History?

The designation of Japan's Sado Island gold mines as a UNESCO World Heritage Site might seem on the surface to commemorate Japan's historical heritage.


However, it must not be overlooked that this mine is not only a relic from the Edo period but also a site marked by the blood and sweat of Korean laborers forcibly mobilized during Japan’s occupation of Korea.

Despite this, the Yoon administration supported Japan's UNESCO designation without acknowledging these historical facts, which can only be seen as aiding Japan's historical distortion.

The Diplomat criticizes President Yoon's actions as justifying historical distortion by aligning with the Kishida administration in Japan.


Diplomatic Achievement or Historical Regression?

President Yoon has emphasized cooperation with Japan to improve South Korea-Japan relations.

However, there are rising concerns over whether this cooperation can be assessed as a mere diplomatic achievement.

Cooperation achieved by ignoring historical truths may leave deep scars on the Korean people in the long term and could also face criticism from the international community.



The article from The Diplomat contains a serious critique that President Yoon's diplomatic policy is aiding Japan's historical distortion.


While recognizing the importance of diplomacy, distorting or ignoring historical facts can never be condoned.

President Yoon must deeply realize the need for a balanced approach that both corrects Korea's history and achieves diplomatic success.


3 line summary for you

  • The Diplomat criticized President Yoon Suk-yeol for enabling Japan's historical revisionism.
  • The focus was on the UNESCO listing of Sado Island mines and the New Right movement.
  • It argued that Yoon's diplomacy ignores historical truth.


  • 外交専門誌『The Diplomat』は、尹錫悦大統領が日本の歴史歪曲を助長していると批判しました。
  • 特に佐渡島の金鉱のユネスコ登録とニューライト運動を問題視しました。
  • 尹大統領の外交が歴史的真実を無視していると指摘しました。

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