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The Dark Truth Behind Japan’s Sado Island: Why We Must Not Forget History

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 10.

Japan's Sado Island, famous for its historic gold mines, was recently designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, this designation, which was supported by South Korea, has sparked a heated debate. The Sado Mines have a long history that spans from the Edo period to Japan’s imperialist era. While the mines contributed to Japan's economic growth, they also carry a dark history of exploitation and forced labor, particularly involving Koreans during World War II.

The UNESCO designation has been criticized for ignoring this painful history and focusing solely on the Edo period.



The Sado Mines were once a financial lifeline for the Tokugawa Shogunate and later fueled Japan’s industrialization and militarization. During World War II, as Japan’s imperial ambitions grew, the mines relied on forced labor from Koreans, who endured harsh conditions and exploitation. Despite this, Japan has downplayed this aspect of the island’s history, presenting a sanitized version that omits the suffering of these laborers.


The controversy has been exacerbated by the current political climate. Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has been promoting a revisionist history that downplays or denies the atrocities committed during its imperialist era. South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol has been criticized for his conciliatory stance towards Japan, even as many South Koreans remain deeply hurt by these historical issues.


In conclusion, the Sado Island controversy highlights the dangers of erasing or sanitizing history. It is crucial to remember both the good and the bad aspects of the past. UNESCO, Japan, and South Korea must ensure that historical narratives are honest and inclusive, respecting the memories of those who suffered.

3 Line Summary for You

  1. Sado Island’s UNESCO designation overlooks its dark history of forced labor, particularly involving Koreans during WWII.
  2. Japan's ruling party promotes a sanitized version of history, which has caused controversy.
  3. It's essential to acknowledge all aspects of history, both good and bad, to honor the memories of those who suffered.

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