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Han Dong-hoon Announces Candidacy for Party Leadership, Aims to Redefine Government-Party Relations

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 23.


Han Dong-hoon, the former Emergency Response Committee Chairman of the People Power Party (PPP), announced his candidacy for the party leadership at the National Assembly on June 23. Han pledged to redefine the relationship between the government and the party and to push for practical reforms.

During the press conference, Han stated, "The last two months should have been a golden time to show reflection and innovation following the April 10 general election defeat. Instead, we remained silent to the people's demands and even regressed. After much consideration, I decided to return to politics sooner than planned."

Han, who led the PPP in the general elections and stepped down from his position on April 11 due to the defeat, emphasized the need for a more balanced relationship between the party and the government. "There have been repeated instances where the party couldn't even think of reasonably criticizing or proposing modifications to the government's policies. If the party or the government deviates from the people's path, one side should firmly guide them back," he said. He added, "We should find solutions through intense debates within a framework of mutual respect, rather than just following one side's lead."

Han also addressed concerns regarding the factionalism within the PPP. "In the past two years, have we excluded, labeled, and attacked those with different opinions, even denying them any space? We need to reflect on this subtractive politics," he remarked.

To engage more with local communities, Han proposed allowing non-elected politicians to set up local offices. "To ensure that political newcomers can continuously communicate with the people and engage in grassroots politics, I propose the establishment of local offices for non-elected politicians. Fortunately, both the National Election Commission and the Democratic Party are already in favor of this, so we just need to decide," he explained. He reiterated the need to fulfill promises made during the election campaign, such as relinquishing immunity from arrest, banning political fundraising through book publications, and returning salaries for those sentenced to imprisonment.

Han's announcement sets the stage for a four-way race in the PPP's upcoming leadership election, with Na Kyung-won, Yoon Sang-hyun, and former Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Won Hee-ryong also in the running.



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