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Military Conducts Secret Dokdo Defense Drill… Japan Government Protests ‘Regret’

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 22.

Dokdo, a small islet located to the east of the Korean Peninsula, holds significant historical, geographical, and political importance. The Dokdo defense drill is a key military operation aimed at safeguarding South Korea's territorial sovereignty, and it has been conducted twice annually since its inception. Recently, however, under President Yoon Suk-yeol's administration, these drills have been carried out secretly, leading to increased protests from the Japanese government. Today, we will explore the recent developments regarding these drills and Japan's reaction.


On August 21, 2024, South Korean military authorities conducted a secretive Dokdo defense drill, referred to as the 'East Sea Territorial Defense Drill.' The drill involved participation from the Navy and Coast Guard, but it did not include a landing by Marine Corps troops on Dokdo. The specifics of the drill and its scale were not disclosed to the media, marking a departure from past practices where such exercises were publicly announced and conducted on a larger scale.


Under President Yoon's administration, this is the fifth time the Dokdo defense drill has been conducted secretly. This approach appears to be a response to Japan's sensitive reaction to these exercises. Japan has consistently protested South Korea's drills, and recently, Hiroyuki Namazu, Director-General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs at the Japanese Foreign Ministry, expressed strong objections to Kim Jang-hyun, the South Korean Deputy Chief of Mission in Japan, asserting that "Takeshima" (the Japanese name for Dokdo) is indisputably Japanese territory based on historical and international law. Similar protests were also made by the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.


The Dokdo defense drills began in 1986 and have been held twice annually since 2003. While the scale of these drills has varied over the years, recent drills have been conducted on a smaller, secretive scale to minimize tensions with Japan. This strategic decision reflects South Korea's efforts to balance maintaining territorial sovereignty while managing diplomatic relations.


The secretive conduct of the Dokdo defense drills by South Korea appears to be a strategy to manage diplomatic tensions with Japan. Despite the reduced scale and lack of public disclosure, Japan's protests continue, highlighting the complex historical issues and current diplomatic strains between the two nations. Future adjustments to the visibility and scale of these drills will likely impact South Korea's diplomatic strategies, as it continues to strive to protect its territorial integrity while navigating international relations.

3 Line Summary for You

The South Korean military conducted a secretive Dokdo defense drill, prompting strong objections from the Japanese government. The drill was scaled down and not publicly disclosed. This approach seems to be a strategy to mitigate Japanese backlash, with future diplomatic tension management being crucial.


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