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WoW Fans, Take Note! 'Internal Conflict' Expansion Brings Game-Changing Innovations!

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 25.

Hello everyone! If you're a fan of World of Warcraft (WoW), you'll be thrilled by the latest news. Blizzard Entertainment's newest expansion, 'Internal Conflict,' has been unveiled. This marks the tenth expansion for WoW, celebrating its 20th anniversary, and it's packed with new content and user-friendly updates that are sure to excite players. Especially for those who have been away from the game for a while, or for new players, this expansion offers plenty of reasons to dive back in. Let’s delve into the key features of this eagerly anticipated expansion.

1. Core Features of 'Internal Conflict': New Continents and Races

'Internal Conflict' introduces new regions including 'Dorn’s Island' on the Kaz Algar continent and 'Wailing Abyss,' 'Sacred Gorge,' and 'Azkahet' located underground in Azeroth. In Dorn’s Island, players can also meet the new race, 'Stoneborn.' The final chapter, Azkahet, reveals a conspiracy involving Queen Ansurek, adding intriguing new plotlines to the game.

2. User-Friendly Updates: Easy for Returning and New Players

One of the standout features of this expansion is its focus on returning and new players. Taylor Sanders, Blizzard's Lead Dungeon Combat Designer, describes it as "easy to return to and great for introducing friends." This is a direct response to player feedback. The new 'Warband' system allows for account-wide sharing of character progress, appearance, and honors, addressing the gap between main and secondary characters. This makes it easier for returning players to rejoin the game and for new players to adapt quickly.

3. New Combat Content 'Gorge': A Fresh PvE Experience

The introduction of 'Gorge' is a significant change in combat content. Unlike the previous 'Mythic+ Dungeons,' which focused on repetitive experiences, 'Gorge' is designed to offer a fresh experience each time. Players can participate in this PvE content with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 people, with difficulty levels adjusted according to the number of participants. This ensures a varied and engaging experience, with opportunities to earn high-level gear and weekly 'Great Vault' rewards.

4. Hero Traits System: Deeper Character Customization

Another major addition is the 'Hero Traits' system. This allows players to incorporate traits from famous Warcraft heroes into their characters. Players can develop one of two hero traits per specialization, adding strategic depth to combat and character development.

5. Return of Horde Figures and Villains: Exciting Storylines

The expansion also brings back key Horde characters and villains, creating exciting new storylines. The final chapter in Azkahet unveils a plot involving Queen Ansurek, offering players a chance to delve into fresh and engaging narratives. Blizzard aims to provide a deeper game immersion through these storylines.


Blizzard's 'Internal Conflict' expansion is more than just a new content release for WoW fans. It signifies the beginning of a new era for the game, celebrating its 20th anniversary with innovations that appeal to both new and returning players. Features like 'Gorge' and 'Hero Traits' add significant depth to the gameplay, while the account-sharing 'Warband' system enhances convenience. This expansion is a perfect opportunity for fans to reimmerse themselves in the world of WoW and explore all that the game has to offer.

Don’t miss out on this chance to experience the new chapter in WoW's epic saga!

3 Line Summary for You

  1. Blizzard's 'Internal Conflict' expansion celebrates WoW's 20th anniversary with new content and user-friendly updates.
  2. New combat features like 'Gorge' and 'Hero Traits' add depth to the game.
  3. The 'Warband' system facilitates easy play for both returning and new players.

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