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Samsung Seoul Hospital Resident Representative Kim Yoo-young Appears Before Police… "Gives Up Dream of Pediatric Anesthesiology"

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 9. 12.

Kim Yoo-young, the resident representative at Samsung Seoul Hospital, recently made headlines by appearing before the police for questioning. On September 11th, Kim Yoo-young attended the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Public Crime Investigation Division as a witness in connection with allegations involving former and current officials of the Korean Medical Association (KMA). In this blog, we will explore the background of Kim Yoo-young's appearance, his statements, and the implications of this ongoing situation.

Kim Yoo-young's Police Appearance

Kim Yoo-young, the resident representative from Samsung Seoul Hospital, appeared at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Public Crime Investigation Division on September 11th for questioning. He expressed difficulty facing the media, saying, "This is my first experience with media exposure, so it’s hard to stand in front of the cameras." Kim voiced his frustration with the fact that powerful figures, who receive VIP treatment in top hospitals, make decisions about medical policies and issues. He stated that he has decided to abandon his dream of becoming a specialist in pediatric anesthesiology, citing deep disappointment with the current state of the medical field.


Kim’s remarks reveal his personal disillusionment with the power dynamics and decision-making processes within the medical community. He emphasized, "I have always dreamed of becoming a pediatric anesthesiologist. However, I am giving up on that dream now." This statement highlights his profound dissatisfaction and adds significant context to the ongoing investigation.

Background and Key Details of the Investigation

Kim Yoo-young's appearance is part of a broader investigation into allegations that officials from the KMA encouraged residents to collectively resign. The police are examining whether Kim and other key figures played a role in these alleged actions. Prior to Kim’s appearance, other major representatives, including Park Dan of the Korean Association of Interns and Residents (KAIR), and the resident representatives from the 'Big Five' hospitals, had already been questioned.


The police have charged six former and current KMA officials, including Im Hyun-taek, the KMA president, with violations of medical laws, obstruction of work, and aiding and abetting, among other charges. The investigation has been ongoing since February, with the aim of clarifying the allegations and determining their validity.

Future Outlook

Kim Yoo-young's statements and police appearance are likely to influence the future course of this case. His decision to forgo his dream and his criticism of the current power structures in the medical field may provide key insights into the broader issues at play. The outcome of the police investigation and any subsequent legal actions will be crucial in shaping the future of this case and potentially driving reforms within the medical community.


Moreover, this case may spark further discussions about the power dynamics and decision-making processes in the medical field. The resolution of Kim Yoo-young’s personal and professional challenges, as well as the legal implications of this case, will be important to watch as the situation develops.

3 Line Summary for You

  • Kim Yoo-young, resident representative at Samsung Seoul Hospital, appeared before the police as a witness and announced he is giving up his dream of becoming a pediatric anesthesiologist.
  • He expressed frustration with how decisions about medical policies are made by powerful figures receiving VIP treatment and criticized the current state of the medical field.
  • The police are investigating Kim and other key figures to verify allegations related to the collective resignation of residents and other related charges.

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