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🔥 Unconstitutional Orders? A Strong Outcry from Severance and Asan Hospital Residents!

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 9. 9.

Government Orders Threatening Citizens' Fundamental Rights

One of the hottest topics in recent news is the ongoing conflict within the medical community.

This time, medical residents have appeared for police questioning, strongly protesting against what they call the government's unconstitutional administrative orders.

The appearance of representatives from Severance Hospital and Asan Medical Center before the police marks a significant escalation, turning what seemed like an internal issue within the medical field into a broader debate about government policies infringing on citizens' fundamental rights. Let’s delve into the background, the core issues, and what this could mean for the future.

Collective Resignation of Residents and Government Pressure

Why did these medical residents choose collective resignation? The root of this action lies in the government's coercive orders and undue pressure on the medical community. With the Korea Medical Association’s (KMA) current and former executives under investigation for violations of the Medical Service Act and obstruction of business, this situation has escalated far beyond an internal dispute within the medical field. The representatives of the residents strongly criticized the government’s unconstitutional orders during their police questioning, claiming that these actions are infringing on citizens' fundamental rights.


Kim Eun-sik, the representative of Severance Hospital residents, stated, "The government has trampled on citizens' fundamental rights through unconstitutional orders and is now resorting to legal threats," emphasizing that the collective resignation was a matter of individual choice. This statement reflects the residents’ strong resistance to the government's coercive policies and their determination to protect the autonomy of the medical community.


Han Seong-jun, the representative from Asan Medical Center, echoed these sentiments, arguing that the government’s unilateral reforms are doomed to fail, and warning against policies that trample on future generations. Their assertions suggest that the government’s current healthcare policies are posing a serious threat to the public's right to health.

Where is the Conflict Between the Medical Community and the Government Heading?

This incident clearly demonstrates the deepening rift between the medical community and the government. The residents chose the extreme measure of collective resignation to voice their concerns, asserting that the government’s administrative orders infringe on citizens' fundamental rights. The public is now paying closer attention to how this conflict will unfold and how citizens' rights to health will be protected.


It seems unlikely that this conflict between the medical community and the government will be resolved easily. There is an urgent need for balanced dialogue and cooperation between both parties, who are responsible for ensuring the public’s health and safety. We hope that this incident will lead to constructive discussions and a rational solution that benefits everyone involved.

3 line summary for you

  1. Medical residents from Severance and Asan Hospitals protested the government's coercive orders during a police investigation.
  2. The representatives criticized the government's policies for infringing on citizens' fundamental rights.
  3. This incident highlights the deepening conflict between the medical community and the government.

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