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Kim Keon-hee's Lame Duck Has Begun! The Untold Mystery of the Hanam-dong Residence

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 9. 10.

controversy surrounding Kim Keon-hee’s Hanam-dong residence has come to light. From the 2nd floor dressing room and sauna to the relocated pavilion from a previous exhibition, the process remains murky, with unclear answers from the presidential office. As public criticism grows, there’s increasing speculation that Kim Keon-hee's influence is dwindling, marking the start of her 'lame-duck' period. In this blog, we'll delve into the controversy around her residence, its background, and the potential start of her lame duck phase.

The Hanam-dong Presidential Residence, where President Yoon Seok-yeol and Kim Keon-hee reside, has become the epicenter of a recent scandal. The installation of a traditional pavilion, which was relocated from an exhibition, has sparked questions about whether it was a "gift" or a "purchase," with the presidential office providing no clear explanation. Despite 80 million KRW being spent on its design and construction, the owner remains unknown. Meanwhile, controversy over the 2nd-floor dressing room and sauna has been met with deflection, as responsible officials claim ignorance.


This issue goes beyond simple construction. It highlights a lack of procedural transparency regarding a national facility. The presidential office has repeatedly changed its stance on the renovation, with officials providing unclear or evasive answers. Particularly concerning is the report that the company involved in the renovation has connections to Kim Keon-hee, further fueling public suspicion. It is difficult to accept that a small company with just five employees could have completed a 14-pyeong renovation in only seven days.


Amidst this, public trust in Kim Keon-hee is eroding. Political observers suggest that this controversy could be the beginning of her lame-duck phase. Unlike in the past, the growing pressure from public opinion suggests that her influence may soon wane.


The controversy surrounding Kim Keon-hee's residence is more than just a private matter. It involves a complex web of transparency issues, regulatory breaches, and the presidential office's irresponsible attitude. With public trust collapsing, her lame-duck period appears to have already begun. The future of this scandal will depend on what further actions and clarifications are made.

3 Line Summary for You

  1. Kim Keon-hee’s Hanam-dong residence has sparked controversy due to a lack of transparency and explanation.
  2. The presidential office’s repeated changes in statements and suspicions surrounding the construction have eroded public trust.
  3. Analysts suggest Kim Keon-hee's lame-duck phase has already begun amidst these ongoing issues.


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