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SKT's "A.Dot" Ups the Ante: Free GPT-4o, Claude, and More! The AI B2C War Heats Up

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 8. 27.

In the fast-evolving world of AI, SK Telecom (SKT) has taken a bold step forward by integrating cutting-edge Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4o, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and Perplexity into its AI service, "A.Dot." This strategic move is not just about enhancing user experience but also positioning SKT as a serious contender in the B2C AI market, where competition with giants like Naver and emerging startups like Ryuuten is becoming increasingly fierce. Today, let's dive into how SKT's recent upgrade is setting the stage for a new era in AI-powered personal assistant services.

1. A.Dot's Powerhouse Upgrade: A New Dawn for AI Personal Assistants

SKT has announced a significant overhaul of its AI service, "A.Dot," transforming it into a multi-LLM agent capable of delivering an unprecedented AI experience. Users can now access an array of advanced conversational AI models, including ChatGPT (versions 3.5 and Turbo), Claude (Haiku, Opus, Sonnet), and A.Dot X (A.X). This multi-model approach allows users to select the best-suited model for their needs and even compare answers to the same question across different models.

Furthermore, SKT is making these services available for free, at least for the time being, maximizing accessibility for users. This aggressive strategy aims to attract a broader user base and establish A.Dot as a go-to AI platform in Korea.

2. Perplexity AI Search: A Glimpse into the Future of AI-Powered Search

Another highlight of the upgrade is the integration of Perplexity's AI search engine, tailored specifically for the Korean language. This collaboration signals SKT's ambition to expand A.Dot's capabilities into the realm of AI-driven search services, directly challenging competitors like Naver and Ryuuten, which have also been focusing on enhancing their AI search functions.

3. Daily Life Management: The Ultimate Personal Assistant Experience

One of the most significant updates to A.Dot is the new "Daily" feature, which consolidates various personal management tools like calendars, to-do lists, routines, and sleep tracking into a single platform. This feature allows users to manage their daily activities seamlessly, with A.Dot offering tailored suggestions based on weather conditions, traffic, and user preferences. The goal is to provide a truly personalized assistant that doesn't just manage tasks but also anticipates user needs.

4. The B2C AI War: SKT vs. Naver and Ryuuten

SKT's latest move is clearly aimed at capturing a larger share of the B2C AI market, which is rapidly becoming more competitive. Naver recently announced a major update to its AI chatbot, ClovaX, adding multimodal and voice assistant capabilities, which are set to roll out on August 27. Similarly, Ryuuten, a rising AI startup, is expanding its services with a focus on AI-powered search, setting the stage for a fierce competition in the AI assistant space.

5. A.Dot's Competitive Edge: Natural Interaction and Enhanced User Experience

According to Kim Yong-hoon, head of SKT's AI Service Business Division, the goal of these upgrades is to offer users a more natural and convenient interaction with their AI personal assistant, ultimately saving time and enhancing the overall user experience. By continuing to innovate and adapt to user needs, SKT aims to stay ahead in the AI race and solidify its position in the market.


As SKT rolls out its upgraded A.Dot service, the B2C AI market is set for a significant shake-up. With the integration of top-tier LLMs, a focus on personalized daily management, and an eye on AI search capabilities, SKT is making a strong case for A.Dot as the ultimate AI personal assistant. However, with competitors like Naver and Ryuuten also stepping up their game, the coming months will undoubtedly be crucial in determining who will lead Korea's AI revolution.

3 line summary for you

  1. SKT has upgraded A.Dot with top-tier AI models and personalized daily management features.
  2. This move intensifies competition in the B2C AI market against rivals like Naver and Ryuuten.
  3. A.Dot aims to become the ultimate AI personal assistant, offering natural, convenient user interactions.

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