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Joe Biden Asserts Confidence in Defeating Trump, Dismisses Cognitive Test Necessity

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 6.


Joe Biden, the President of the United States, firmly rejected growing calls from within and outside the Democratic Party to step down as a presidential candidate. He emphasized that he is the best candidate to defeat former President Donald Trump.

In an interview with ABC on the 5th local time, President Biden stated, "I am the most suitable person to win this election and become president," and he claimed, "Trump is a pathological liar."

When asked if he would undergo a cognitive test to alleviate concerns about his age, Biden replied, "I undergo cognitive and neurological tests daily," and stressed, "No one has told me that I need a cognitive test."

Regarding the independent physical examination proposal to prove his suitability for the presidency amidst cognitive ability concerns raised since the first TV debate, Biden rejected it.

He added, "I spoke with the new British Prime Minister today and make critical national decisions daily."

Biden reiterated that he was in poor health during the first TV debate, where he severely stuttered and lost his logical flow, emphasizing, "It was a bad night." He mentioned that he had a severe cold at the time and said, "In fact, the doctor tested for COVID-19 and checked if I had the virus," confirming that it was not COVID-19 but a severe cold.

Biden emphasized, "I was prepared for the debate, and all mistakes were my own," adding, "I am ready, and I listen well and make good judgments in regular meetings."




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