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North Korea's Kim Jong-un Badge Appears at Official Event for the First Time: Accelerating Solo Idolization

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 30.


For the first time, a badge featuring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's face has appeared at an official event. This indicates a significant acceleration in the solo idolization efforts for Kim Jong-un.

Background of the Badge Appearance

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released photos from the second day of the 10th plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, showing Kim Song-nam, Director of the International Department, wearing a badge with Kim Jong-un's face on it. In the photos, all attending officials are seen wearing the badge. These photos were published not only by KCNA but also by Rodong Sinmun, the Workers' Party's official newspaper.

History of Kim Jong-un Badges

Although it was known that Kim Jong-un badges were produced in 2012 after Kim Jong-il's death, this is the first confirmed instance of them being worn at an official event within North Korea. During the fifth round of inter-Korean working-level talks in 2013, North Korean officials mentioned that the badges were made in early 2012 and came in both round and square shapes.

Significance of the Badges

In North Korea, badges with the Kim family's portraits are significant symbols of their idolization. Kim Il-sung badges were first produced in 1970 after being initiated by Kim Jong-il. Kim Jong-il badges were created in 1992 to commemorate his 50th birthday, but due to his reluctance, only a few officials wore them until the 2000s, when they became more widely worn. After Kim Jong-il's death, badges featuring both Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il were mass-produced and distributed to the public.

Meaning of Kim Jong-un's Solo Idolization

The appearance of officials wearing Kim Jong-un badges at the plenary meeting signifies an intensified effort to solidify Kim Jong-un's solo idolization, ten years into his regime. Recently, North Korea has shown signs of political shifts, such as changing the name of Kim Il-sung's birthday from "Day of the Sun" to "4.15" and displaying Kim Jong-un's portraits alongside those of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il.


The official appearance of Kim Jong-un badges marks a significant indicator of political changes within North Korea. As the efforts for Kim Jong-un's solo idolization accelerate, these developments warrant close observation.




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