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Petition to Impeach President Yoon Surpasses 600,000 Signatures Amidst Website Overload

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 29.

Petition for Presidential Impeachment



A petition demanding the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol has garnered over 600,000 signatures, causing significant delays on the National Assembly’s petition website. Here’s a detailed look into the background of this petition and the public response.

1. Background of the Petition

The call for President Yoon’s impeachment was triggered by revelations in former National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo's memoir. Kim disclosed that President Yoon had suggested the possibility of fabricating the Itaewon tragedy. Following this revelation, many citizens began supporting the petition to hold the president accountable.

2. Rapid Spread of the Petition

The petition began on June 20 and within just nine days, it had already surpassed 600,000 signatures. This rapid accumulation of support highlights the significant public anger and dissatisfaction. The petition website experienced delays due to over 10,000 simultaneous users, with some reporting wait times of up to an hour to access the site.

3. Content of the Petition

The petitioner argued that since President Yoon took office, South Korea has faced a series of crises. They criticized the president's vetoes of the Chae Haebyeong and Kim Keon-hee special prosecutors, claiming these actions undermined the foundations of democracy. The petitioner asserted that the president’s disregard for the constitutional principles of public safety and national interest justified his impeachment.

4. Response from the National Assembly

According to the National Assembly’s petition system, if a petition receives over 50,000 signatures within 30 days, it is referred to the relevant committee for consideration. This particular petition achieved this threshold by June 23, resulting in its referral to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee. This marks the beginning of its legal review process.

5. Public Reaction

The petition has sparked significant public interest and active participation. The website overload incident highlights the level of public engagement and concern. Many citizens are raising their voices to demand accountability from the president, signaling potential political shifts in the future.

6. Conclusion

The petition to impeach President Yoon Suk-yeol exemplifies the high level of public discontent. Garnering over 600,000 signatures in a short time frame, it has become a major issue, with the National Assembly now reviewing it. The petition’s progress and its potential impact on political changes will be closely watched, marking a pivotal moment for democracy and public will in South Korea.




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