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AriCell Fire Disaster: Survivors Speak Out

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 30.

Tragic Fire Incident

On June 24th, a devastating fire broke out at the AriCell lithium battery factory in Hwaseong, South Korea. The tragedy resulted in the loss of lives and left many injured. Survivors of the incident, particularly temporary workers, gathered on June 29th to pay their respects at a memorial set up at Hwaseong City Hall.

Lack of Safety Training

Survivors, like Baek (37), who worked at AriCell through a labor dispatch company called MeiCell, revealed shocking details about the working conditions. They confessed to not receiving proper safety training and being unaware of the emergency exits. Despite working at the factory for eight months, they only received minimal instructions, such as not dropping batteries due to explosion risks.

Discrepancies in Official Statements

Baek's testimony contradicts the statements made by AriCell's Director, Park Joong-eon, who claimed regular safety training and the presence of emergency evacuation manuals in multiple languages. This discrepancy has raised serious concerns about the company's compliance with safety regulations.

Emotional Aftermath

The incident has deeply affected the community, with over 150 citizens visiting the memorial to pay their respects. One of the youngest victims, Kim (23), was remembered by family friends who expressed their grief and disbelief. The memorial will remain open until further funeral arrangements are made.

Joint Efforts for Justice

Families of the victims have formed a coalition to seek justice and uncover the truth behind the disaster. They plan to hold a press conference on June 30th to discuss their next steps and demand accountability.

The AriCell fire tragedy highlights the critical importance of workplace safety and the need for stringent enforcement of safety regulations to prevent such incidents in the future.




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