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The Dior Bag in the Presidential Office: A Statement from Chief Secretary Jeong Jin-seok

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 1.


On July 1, Chief Secretary Jeong Jin-seok of the Presidential Office announced that the Dior bag received by Kim Keon-hee, spouse of President Yoon Suk-yeol, is being stored in its original packaging within the Presidential Office premises.

This announcement was made during a parliamentary inquiry in response to a question from Rep. Cheon Ha-ram of the Kaeguk Shindang party regarding the material of the Dior bag. Chief Secretary Jeong clarified that the bag, received by Kim Keon-hee during a state banquet at a hotel in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on June 10, is not subject to the Public Officials Ethics Act but falls under the Presidential Records Management Act. He explained that the classification of presidential records is still pending and has not yet reached its deadline.

When Rep. Cheon inquired about the possibility of an on-site inspection to verify if the Dior bag remains in its original packaging, Chief Secretary Jeong emphasized that the entire Presidential Office is a secure area. Any individual inspections must follow legal procedures rather than personal arrangements.

Separately, Pastor Choi Jae-young, who presented the luxury bag to Kim Keon-hee, is under police investigation for defamation and violation of election laws. Pastor Choi is accused of giving the luxury bag, worth approximately 3 million KRW, to Kim Keon-hee in September 2022, after President Yoon's inauguration, and filming and distributing the incident using a camera hidden in his wristwatch.

This statement sheds light on the proper handling and classification of gifts received by the President and their spouse, ensuring transparency and adherence to legal requirements within the Presidential Office.




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