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Hello, cooking enthusiasts! During the hot summer days, don't you often crave something cool and refreshing?

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 7. 30.

Today, we're going to introduce how to make a popular summer delicacy, mulhoe (cold raw fish soup).

Mulhoe is a simple yet flavorful dish made with fresh seafood and vegetables. Let's make it together!


  • Fresh Seafood: Prepare your favorite seafood such as flounder, octopus, squid, etc.
  • Vegetables: Thinly slice various vegetables like cucumber, pear, perilla leaves, carrot, radish, and onion.
  • Seasoning Sauce: Mix together gochujang (Korean red chili paste), vinegar, sugar, minced garlic, red pepper powder, sesame oil, and sesame seeds.


1. Preparing the Ingredients

Prepare fresh seafood and thinly slice it. Freshness is key for the best taste.

2. Preparing the Vegetables

Slice the vegetables into thin, bite-sized pieces. It's best to leave the cucumber skin on for added crunch.

3. Making the Sauce

Mix the following ingredients for the sauce:

  • 1 can of ground pear (238ml)
  • 4 tbsp of gochujang
  • 3 tbsp of sugar
  • 8 tbsp of vinegar
  • 1 tbsp of red pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp of minced garlic
  • 1 tsp of anchovy fish sauce

Adjust the seasoning to your taste.

4. Assembling the Mulhoe

In a large bowl, combine the sliced seafood and vegetables. Add the seasoning sauce and mix well. Finally, pour in some ice water or cold water to make it refreshing.


This is how you can easily make a delicious and refreshing mulhoe. Beat the summer heat with this tangy and cool dish, and enjoy a delightful meal with your family. Experiment with different types of seafood and vegetables to create your unique version of mulhoe!


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