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Shin Yubin Returns in Banana Flavored Milk Ad! A 20-Year-Old Ad Parody with Olympic Touch

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 9. 2.

A Welcome Reunion with Shin Yubin's Banana Flavored Milk Ad

Table tennis national team player Shin Yubin has recently attracted significant attention with her new Banana Flavored Milk ad from Binggrae. This ad goes beyond a mere promotion by reinterpreting a 2004 Banana Flavored Milk commercial with a unique modern twist. It brilliantly highlights Shin Yubin’s achievements and has significantly heightened anticipation and interest among fans and viewers.

A Creative Take on a 20-Year-Old Ad and Shin Yubin’s Appeal

1. Creative Ad Composition

This ad creatively parodies a 2004 Banana Flavored Milk commercial by recreating the atmosphere and elements from 20 years ago with a contemporary touch. It begins with Shin Yubin finishing her training and opening the fridge, where Banana Flavored Milk spills out. Her surprised reaction and the scene of her drinking the milk with a straw bring a delightful touch to the ad.


2. Olympic Parody and Special Elements

The ad features Shin Yubin mimicking the look of 2024 Paris Olympics by placing an ice pack on her head while drinking the milk. This scene cleverly references her Olympic performance. In the final moments of the ad, Shin Yubin strikes a medal ceremony pose and performs the ‘Banana Flick’ technique, adding a personal and engaging touch to the commercial.


3. Shin Yubin's Ad Participation and Food Advertising Industry’s Interest

Following her Olympic success with mixed doubles and women's team bronze medals, Shin Yubin has garnered considerable attention from the food advertising industry. Known for her love of bananas and snacks, her involvement in the Banana Flavored Milk ad allows her to express her passion and strengthen her connection with fans. Shin Yubin has expressed her delight and satisfaction with the ad shoot, reflecting its high engagement.

A Perfect Blend of Shin Yubin and Banana Flavored Milk

Shin Yubin's Banana Flavored Milk ad goes beyond simple product promotion by combining a 20-year-old commercial with modern elements, creating a new and appealing narrative. Her Olympic achievements and personal charm enhance the ad, leaving a lasting impression on fans and viewers. As Banana Flavored Milk celebrates its 50th anniversary, the collaboration with Shin Yubin has been a success, and the ad continues to attract considerable interest.


The ad can be viewed on Binggrae’s official YouTube channel and is already showing impressive view counts and popularity. Looking forward, we can anticipate more enjoyable moments featuring Shin Yubin and Banana Flavored Milk.

3 Line Summary for You

  1. Shin Yubin’s new ad for Banana Flavored Milk features a parody of a 2004 commercial and incorporates elements of her 2024 Paris Olympics performance.
  2. The ad includes Shin’s post-training scene, Olympic pose, and the ‘Banana Flick’ technique, gaining significant popularity.
  3. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Banana Flavored Milk’s ad can be viewed on the official YouTube channel, attracting considerable attention.

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