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Summer Tonic Chicken Porridge: A Delicious and Nutritious Meal

by Maccrey Korea 2024. 6. 12.


Summer can be a challenging time, with the heat and humidity often leading to fatigue and loss of appetite. This is where chicken porridge, or juk, comes in as a comforting and nourishing meal that can help you regain your energy and stay healthy.


1. Benefits of Chicken Porridge

  • Easy to digest and high in nutrients: Chicken is a rich source of protein and low in fat, making it easy to digest. When cooked with rice, ginseng, jujube, and other ingredients, chicken porridge becomes even more nutritious.
  • Helps alleviate fatigue and boosts immunity: Chicken is rich in essential amino acids and vitamin B, which can help reduce fatigue and strengthen the immune system. Ginseng and jujube are also known to boost energy levels and enhance immunity.
  • Stimulates appetite: The smooth texture and savory broth of chicken porridge can stimulate appetite and aid digestion, especially beneficial for those struggling with summer lethargy.
  • Simple to prepare: Chicken porridge requires minimal ingredients and is easy to prepare, making it a convenient meal option.

2. Summer Chicken Porridge Recipe



  • 1 whole chicken (about 1 kg)
  • 1 cup glutinous rice
  • 10 cups water
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • (Optional ingredients) 2-3 ginseng roots, 5-6 jujube dates, 2 cloves garlic, 1/4 onion, 1/2 carrot, mushrooms (optional)


  1. Clean the chicken thoroughly and soak in water for 30 minutes. Bring the chicken to a boil in a pot of cold water. Discard the foam that rises to the surface, and repeat the boiling process.
  2. Once the chicken is cooked, remove the bones and skin, and shred the meat.
  3. Rinse the glutinous rice and soak in water for 30 minutes. Add the rice to the pot with the chicken broth and bring to a boil.
  4. Once the rice is cooked, add the shredded chicken meat and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Finally, add chopped garlic, onion, carrot, mushrooms, or other desired ingredients and simmer briefly until heated through.

3. Tips for Enjoying Summer Chicken Porridge

  • Boil the chicken thoroughly and remove the bones and skin for a softer and more flavorful porridge.
  • You can substitute glutinous rice with regular rice.
  • Add a drizzle of ginger juice or soy sauce for extra flavor.
  • Incorporate a variety of vegetables and mushrooms for added nutrients.
  • Top with chopped garlic, scallions, or seaweed for a more savory and satisfying meal.

4. Enhancing the Summer Chicken Porridge Experience

  • Pair the porridge with kimchi or pickled vegetables for a balanced and appetizing meal.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds over the porridge for a nutty aroma and flavor.
  • Refrigerate the porridge and enjoy it cold for a refreshing summer treat.

5. Important Considerations

  • Consume chicken porridge in moderation to avoid overeating and potential digestive issues.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions before consuming chicken porridge.

6. Conclusion


Summer chicken porridge is a nourishing and easy-to-digest meal that can help combat summer fatigue and provide essential nutrients.

Remember to consume it in moderation and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

Enjoy this comforting summer staple and stay healthy!
